

Sunday, December 20, 2015

9 months

These last 9 months have flown by. I can't believe my little baby is getting so big. It is surreal. 

Emerson continues to be the sweetest, most wonderful baby I could have ever asked for. I don't deserve to be her mom, and I am so thankful and humbled daily for this job. 
 She weighs 17 pounds which is 30%ile and 28 inches tall which is 78%ile. Tall like her siblings!
 4 teeth and on the move. She army crawls everywhere. She is our most vocal baby and loves to talk to us. Giggles just a little but gives us big smiles all the time.

She is a great eater. Still nursing and eating 2-3 meals a day of baby cereal, puffs, yogurt melts (her favorite), banana, strawberries, sweet potatoes, cheerios, and any other solid food that we are eating and can share with her. She also has baby food occasionally as well.
This month has been a little more difficult with sleep. She has had a cold (and showed up to her 9-month appointment with an ear infection) and teething so her sleep has been restless.  She wakes up a lot and sometimes wants to be up for the day at 2am, and it takes a while to get her back to sleep. We are frustrated and tired, but know its a phase. We have lucked out with her so this short period is, just that, short.
We love her more and more every day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Time

It's a Christmas miracle, I blogged!!!

The weekend after Thanksgiving we did what most everyone else in the US did. We decorated for Christmas. Jason and Gavin went out and found us a second tree and we had a great day decorating.
 We took a break Saturday night and went to help my parents decorate their tree and eat dinner.

 Gavin found this Santa hat when we were going through our decorations and didn't want to take it off!
Baby loves being one of the big kids, and really loves that she can crawl and get where she wants to be. Our first Christmas movie of the year.
 The following weekend we went to the OP arboretum for the luminary walk. I loved it and think this will be such a great tradition! Hot cider by the bonfire singing Christmas Carols.
 Baby was there, she was asleep in the carrier.

 There's the baby. Still sleeping
 We finished decorating on Sunday

My favorite part of the tree is that on the bottom half, all the decorations are facing the tree. All the super heroes, princesses, santa's, everything are looking in towards the tree. I've thought about turning them around, but I can't bring myself to do it. I love them being backwards!