

Sunday, March 13, 2011

13 months old

Reegan has changed so much over the last couple of months. She has been walking since she was 10-11 months old, but now has been working on walking backwards. She only gets a couple of steps before she falls, but it is cute to watch. She also has gotten much faster and tries to "run" from us! Her new favorite activity is turning off the lights. Whenever we carry her into a room, she reaches her finger out and wants us to take her to the light switch. She is becoming much more verbal. She says mama, dada, dog, hi, shoes (only sometimes, the other times she points to her feet), and we think we are at the beginning of I love you. It doesn't sound much like I love you, but she says it after we say it and fluctuates her voice just like we do. She also knows more sign language than I realized. Jason and I have not done a good job of being consistant in teaching her sign language, but just in the past few weeks she has been showing off what she does know: eat, drink, all done, more. She claps, waves, gives highfives and blows kisses. Reegan is still not much of a napper, never has been. She sleeps great at night, goes to bed between 7 and 8 and wakes up 12 hours later. She usually takes one decent nap (90 min) and one short nap (30min). She is still obsessed with food, makes sure that we do not forget to feed her! There is nothing that she refuses to eat :) Here she is eating a snack, she was hard at play so we brought snack to her, don't worry, usually she does eat in her highchair.

Reegan loves the dogs and pets/pulls their hair all the time! She also loves the dogs bed. She walks over to them and falls flat onto the beds and then rolls around with them.

Hard at work...

Friday we had a friend over. Cade and Reegan played great together, they followed each other around the house and were partners in crime!

Cade was very interested in the camera! He must know what to do when a camera comes out since his mom also takes many pictures.

Enjoying the nice weather and spending some time outside.

Reegan enjoying her birthday present, when she gets much older it turns into a scooter.

Reegan is a very happy girl and we feel so blessed that we were given the role of her parents.

1 comment:

The Frenchs said...

Love your new camera! Beautiful pics, friends!