

Thursday, March 24, 2016


I'm not quite sure where the last year went but my baby is now 1. Fastest year of my life!!! Emerson continues to be such a blessing to us and is easily the best baby. She is so sweet and patient, gives the best smiles and we are completely smitten with her! 

Some Emerson info:
-18 pounds 14 ounces- 15%ile
-29 inches tall- 55%ile
-Head is 17  inches around- 21 %ile
-Not walking, but crawls really fast, pulls up on furniture, cruises with her walker toys and doesn't    seem to show much interest in walking because she can get everywhere she needs to go
-loves the stairs and is great at going up them
-give us kisses, high-fives, waves, claps and tells us all done with sign languange
-loves remotes, cell phones, and the big kids toys and gets mad when we take them away
-likes to play on her own. Favorites include emptying drawers, removing book marks from books we are currently reading, pulling magnets off the fridge, and whatever else she can get her hands on
-naps morning for 45min or so and afternoon for 45min-1.5 hours. 
-loves sneaking into her brother and sisters room and playing with their toys
-nursing 5 times a day still
-loves to eat but is particular about what she eat. Loves fruit, cheese, lunch meat, pasta, yogurt melts the best. Tolerates veggies, yogurt, and anything new. Struggles with meat. 
-says mama, oh no, hi and has said dada once but wont repeat it. 
-Gets so excited to see us when we come home and when the kids wake up in the morning. Big smiles, squeals and kisses! 

March 8- we went to celebrate with Mexican food. and finished with a cupcake at our house. She refused the cupcake. See the frosting on her face? That was from me trying to coax her to eat some. It didn't work.
 March 12 we had a small party for her with just family.
 Our "theme" was pink and gold

 This tutu and onsie were home-made. I'm pretty proud of myself.

 Emerson's smash cake
 Not going to play along with me.
 I broke it in half and I think she was just teasing me here...
 And she didn't take a bite of this one either. Maybe thats why she is so little. Such a stinker.

We had a great time celebrating this little one. Emerson, this year with you has been a blast, we love you and look forward to seeing what and who you become in the future!!!!

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