

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Barnes and Noble

Reegan is a very lucky girl. For Christmas my Papa and Nana gave her a Barnes and Noble gift card to expand her reading selection. After church today we headed to the mall to pick up a few things and to let Reegan pick out her books.

Reegan LOVED it. By the time we would put 3 books back on the shelf, she had 5 more pulled off. She would stand on her tippy-toes to reach as high as she could and just smile. I think she only looked at 2-3 pages in each book, but she had a blast. We finally decided on Olivia the pig (I'm so excited about this one!) and a very large book of nursery stories. Reegan wont be able to look at this one by herself just yet, but Jason and I look forward to reading it to her!

I was suprised to see how many books there are on potty training...I thought about getting one of these but decided I am at least one year ahead of myself.

1 comment:

The Frenchs said...

Regain looks solo cute!