Apparently I don't blog anymore. Sorry about that. I've got a bunch of excuses I could use: Reegan has been staying awake until close to 10 at night (may be getting close to the end of nap time just so she'll go to sleep earlier), I have been napping a lot when the kids nap becasue I have decided I need to take better care of myself since I work night shift and lastly when I'm not napping, but the kids are I'm trying to keep our house clean and ready to show in case the call comes in (still trying to sell our house). Either way, I guess blogging is what I chose to drop. We've done a ton this fall already and my hope today is to get our pics loaded and ready to go.
A couple weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch with our friends the
Keeleys. Our kids are 3 months apart (both sets) and its always fun to spend time with them.
We are blessed with many friends who have kids the same age as our kids and I'm secretly (or not so secretly) hoping I can use these pictures one day when they're dating or getting married. Also, I'm not completely opposed to the idea of arranged marriage...
KC pumpkin patch is the way to go. They have big slides and bigger slides, hay rides, trains to ride, pits of dried corn kernels, a maze, and more.
Another one for the wedding slideshow???
As always we had fun with our friends and fun making memories. I have so many memories of going out to the pumpkin patch with my family and finding the
perfect pumpkin. I'm excited to pass those memories to my kids.