

Monday, August 6, 2012


 Our days have been filled with lounging around the house and getting out a couple times a week for a change of scenery for Reegan.  Everyone says that there are never the same amount of pictures with a second born, so I am trying my hardest to get all those cute shots that I made sure to get of Reegan.

Just being handsome...
The only baking we have time for these days!  I'm looking forward to making a real meal again soon :)

 Sister loving on Brother, after bath and before bed both babes were in an especially good mood. 

 Gavin loves his sister as much as she loves him!
 He's tracking people now, so it was time to bring out the toys. 
 Of course, Reegan wants to help! 

 Reegan "posing".  "Get one of me mommy!"
 Tummy time...or belly time like Reegan calls it. 
He;s getting so big and changing so fast, has started talking and laughing too.  LOVE

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