

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I'm getting braver about getting out with the kids all by myself, but only to certain places..  I try to plan play dates or outings for 2 mornings a week, but not to the grocery store or other errand places.  I tried the grocery store once and it is not something I want to repeat soon.  So, the weekend comes and since Jason is there to help me, we run our errands.  I actually like doing it all together, we get out of the house and get to have family time.  Sometimes I can even convince Jason that we need to go stop for lunch/dinner or sonic happy hour depending on the time of day :)  This weekend we didn't run many errands, but Jason and I did go out for date night.  It's been too long.  We went out for sushi, our favorite date dinner, at Sakura and ate at the sushi bar from the train.  We don't have a pic, but if you like sushi go check it out, really fun!  Then we went to a movie. 

Sunday we headed out again, but this time for a church picnic.  Here is the food line!  We were hungry. 

 After eating, we spent time enjoying the evening and being outdoors and this little guy loved it. 
 Of course, if Reegan is around, she has to be by his side making sure he is OK.
 Seriously, she is a great big sister.

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